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Here is where we bond, grow and support one another. One day at a time.

October is #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth and for survivors, this can be a triggering time. Our HealHer Network events provide the ultimate self care experience while empowering women to reset, recharge and rediscover their joy.

Atlanta was amazing. Friday night, we’re in Cincy.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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Empowerment Party:  DAY OF ELEVATION & Celebration.



Living through domestic violence means losing your identity, who you are and what you bring into this world. Our empowerment parties, Day of Elevation & Celebration events, help survivors find their identity and realize their worth, reminding them it’s never too late to be who you really.



It’s all about connecting to the right power source, whether faith, therapy, positivity, a new zest for life, anything that fuels you to be your best source. Connect to that, and disconnect from people, things and mindsets that don’t fuel or nurture your growth and rebuild.


Rediscover Joy.

You don’t have to wait till life makes sense or everything is perfect to celebrate each day. Dance, sing, breathe, always embrace each day as victorious because you’re still here. That alone is cause for celebration.

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