Betty Roby
Betty Roby has dedicated her life to professional excellence and being her personal best. Roby grew up in Macon, Mississippi where she attended Noxubee County High School. After high school, she attended Mississippi State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science. Roby started her professional career with Electronic Data System (EDS) in Plano, Texas as a Systems Engineer. She later relocated to Atlanta, Georgia where she worked for Bank of America as a Database Administrator and was later promoted to Senior Manager. After more than 17 years with Bank of America, Roby has taken her years of experience and excellence to the field of education and now works at the DeKalb County School District, where she is currently the Application Development Manager.
Leadership Development
While Roby has accomplished many of her professional goals, her proudest achievement is being a mother to her only child, Bradley Roby. Betty Roby is the mother to Denver Broncos Super Bowl winning starting cornerback, Bradley Roby. Betty has lent her support, voice and expertise to several organizations. She served several years on the Peachtree Ridge Touchdown Club’s executive board as secretary. She is an avid volunteer in the community and with her church and a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc, a renowned service organization.